In The Beginning...

Welcome to Columbus, Ohio, home of the Buckeyes... I've visited "big" cities of course; Atlanta, NY, Chicago, LA, Seattle, Dallas, Fort Worth, Miami, Wellington, Christchurch, Paris, Marseilles, Toulouse, Berlin, Naples, okay you get the idea. Have I lived in one? A month in London surely doesn't count, so no, I have never lived in a "big" city. My description of "big" might include skyscrapers, but really, just lots and lots of people, cars, traffic, buildings, crowds and tons of restaurants. All this means "big" in the opinion of this child from the woods. So welcome to my adventure into the unknown, the bright lights and dark alleys, whatever discoveries, good or bad, there are to find in the Big City of Columbus. Perhaps you'll also find other interesting/exciting spots in Ohio slipped in now and then. Enjoy!